In memory of myself
Simply to have stopped.
as if I could begin
where my voice has stopped, myself
the sound of a word
I cannot speak.
so much silence
to be brought to life
in this pensive flesh, the beating
drum of words
within, so many words
lost in the wide world
within me, and thereby to have known
that in spite of myself
I am here.
As if this were the world.
In mimoria di mè
Simpliciamenti, essa si fermu.
com’è se pudissi cumincià
indù s’hè ferma a me boci, ghje stessu
u sonu d’una parola
ch’ùn possu dì.
tantu silenziu
da purtà in vita
in sta carri pinsosa, battenti
tamburu di paroli
drintu, tanti paroli
persi in l’immensu mondu,
drintu à mè, è sapiutu cussì
che malgradu me stessu
socu qui.
Com’è se tal' fussi u mondu.
in --- Facing the Music --- ed. Station Hill --- 1980
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